For some reason lately I’ve been getting questions around Facebook post, and how to create them, how long should I be, what should be in them, and more. This article is all about what goes into a Facebook post without going off the rails. I try to keep my articles concise, giving out only information that you need. So, here we go.
What Goes into Your Facebook Post
High quality creative content
` o Images
o GIFs
o Videos
Caution: Don’t use anything that does not accurately reflect your brand.
Create actionable post
An actionable post is created to increase engagement and provide business value. This post should be directly related to your business goal to drive audience to take action on something you care about
o Links to articles from your website
o Links to your website blogs
o Links to newsletters on your website
o Links to website for sign-up
o Ask fans to answer questions
o Ask fans to share their opinions and comment section
Know your audience
Know who is in your audience in order to properly engage. If you’re not aware of who your audience is go to page insights to get an idea.
Pay attention to the engagement levels of your post to learn more about your audience. Each audience is different so you’re looking for like spikes, shares, emoji. Did you ask a question.? Was there a really cool creative with used? Either way, the answers are in your posts
Keep post simple
Even though the word space for a Facebook post is 63206 characters, or approximately 250 words, you’re not writing high school paper, or maybe you are. Either way, Facebook post should be clean and simple in order to engage audience in visitors.
o Color scheme clean and consistent
o Recognizable images
o Impactful, concise and most of all minimal use of words.
Significant post
Significant post is created for announcements major news or an existing post gone viral. What to do a significant post?
Pin to the top of your page. It’s like presenting the best part of yourself when first meeting someone. When someone visit your page for the first time, it’ll be the first thing they see.
As you, your story or your brand changes so should your pinned post keeping track of your pin-post is important, so they don’t become updated.
Currently Facebook has added a COVID-19 related posts to help customers understand your business communication during this time.
I.e. temporary service changes, available inventory, gift cards and donations, new practices around health and safety, catering, house calls, and much more. To learn more click here
Good luck,
Corley Randolph CEO, founder FRAMEWORKS